Monday 23 February 2015

How to avoid ruining your SEO campaign

With all the different updates (i.e. Panda and Penguin updates) Google has been pushing out, it is becoming increasingly difficult to retain top rank if you are still employing old tricks to support your SEO campaign. Penguin and Panda updates have been forcing SEO marketers to rethink and recreate their strategies in order for their websites to achieve higher ranks. Former strategies are no longer relevant or effective in pushing your rank forward.

Here are some mistakes that you should avoid making if you do not wish to ruin your SEO Singapore campaign.

Keyword selection. Keyword selection is an important aspect to a successful SEO campaign. Wrong or inappropriate keyword selection will definitely ruin your SEO campaign. For example, if your company specialises in SEO services, generic keyword selection is not going to boost your traffic and improve your conversion rates. Imagine choosing the wrong keywords that lets you appear on searches where people search for free SEO services. This not only misrepresents your services, it does not not benefit your company at all. Your SEO campaign gets ruined if the traffic you get is irrelevant and does not translate into conversions.

Keyword stuffing. One of the earliest methods to a successful SEO campaigns was keyword stuffing. If you are still adopting this method, it’s time you stop doing this. Instead of pushing your website rank upwards, keyword stuffing will ruin your SEO campaign. Google penalises the action of overloading keywords in your articles. Your SEO campaign will definitely suffer if you continue with it.

However, keywords should still be included in your articles or your copy. Do bear in mind that you should only be including keywords that are absolutely relevant to the services that you are providing. Also, your article should contain more content than keywords. Your article adds no value to your rank if it is filled with keywords instead of quality content.

Duplicate content. Ripping content off from other websites is not only unethical, it does not add any value to your industry as well. Duplicate content is one of biggest suicide missions for any SEO. It is always difficult to constantly produce original content, and with so much content readily available online, it’s only natural that you will be tempted to rip them off other websites and use them as you own. However, the moment Google finds duplicate content on your website, you can expect your rankings to plunge.

Therefore, it is vital that you produce original content, no matter how difficult that may be. You might want to consider hiring a freelancer or even an agency to help you with content writing. Producing your own original content is the only way not to be penalised by Google and guarantee a rise in rankings.

Poor quality content. Coming up with original content is not enough if your article does not contain any useful content. Articles filled only with fluff content are not going to help you with your rankings. In fact, Google always emphasizes on quality content in order to increase your rankings for your SEO campaigns. Hence you will definitely ruin your SEO campaign if you are producing poor quality content just to keep your site updated.

Coming up with quality content does not require professional services. If you are unable to afford online marketing services to help you with content writing, what you can do is to settle for in-house writing. Engage your employees to write up these articles. Employees will be able to contribute higher quality content for your website since they are the experts on your company’s services. It is important that your website produces quality content if you want to climb up the ranks and if you do not wish to ruin your own SEO campaign.

Slow website load speed. Websites with slow load speed tend to suffer, as they are unable to fully engage and keep users from exiting their websites. Users are not going to wait around patiently for your website to load. If your website takes longer than usual to load, users will usually exit and move on to the next site. Your SEO campaign gets ruined as a result of failing to capture your clients’ attention within that short window period.

In order not to lose your clients and make your SEO campaign a success, you should invest in improving your website load speed. The easiest and fastest way is to invest in a reliable host. Cheap hosts might save you some money in the short run, but they are usually unreliable and affect your website load speed in the long run. Remember, you reap only what you sow. Website load speed not only affects your SEO campaign, it also affects your conversion rates as well. Do bear that in mind if you are still contemplating if website load speed makes a difference.

In conclusion, to avoid ruining your SEO campaign, it is crucial that you keep yourself up to date with the new restrictions and guidelines released by Google through their updates. This will help you stay relevant and achieve higher website rank, making your SEO campaign a successful one.

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