Tuesday 17 June 2014

Online marketing trends dominating 2014 by Top3.com.sg

The goal of top3.com.sg is to provide users with the most relevant and highest quality content possible. The more people share a piece of content, the higher quality it’s likely to be, and therefore the position of our clients (business entrepreneurs) increases within the search engine results pages. It’s no coincidence that the top-ranking search results tends to have lots of social shares, while those ranked lower have fewer. We guarantee our clients to put them at the top of search engine listing while making their brand/ services very popular locally and globally among the consumers. 

The Online marketing is our leading way for brands, organization and businesses and results prove it. We use marketing tools and communication channels and Traditional marketing methods TV, print advertisements and radio for attracting the consumers widely.Internet marketing has become a preferred choice for businesses to target the customers by offering them products and services they provide.

Top3 Media can deliver a highly targeted approach to attract new markets. We provide you with a successful online marketing solution in the form of SEO service.
online marketing

The internet has significantly changed the way for information sharing and has put deep impact on the marketing. During past few years, there has been observed a move towards inbound techniques while many outbound techniques have become out dated. Many businesses have succeeded on publishing their original content rather than using inserted advertisement external contents. Due to many benefits the inbound tactics offer branding and growth of audience.  
Keeping in mind these trends, many predictions have been made for the high rank online marketing trends of 2014.
Many companies have been developing trust with consumers and trying to have authority by continuously creating valuable content using many different channels. Now content marketing has become larger than ever before. This type of marketing provides entertainment to the audience. Doing it helps the company to build repute in its demographical region to develop customer loyalty. The top B2B content marketing strategies involve articles submission on websites, social media, case studies and videos on different websites. The eNewsletters are also a part of B2B content marketing strategies.
By using any one of the above mentioned channels, businesses can build a positive approach within their industry and flourish their brands or services.  This trend also helps in marketing to the mass using television and radio ads; but these options are becoming less effective now days. That’s why it is recommended to focus on inbound marketing by developing engaging content for the specific audience. Only few years back, business entrepreneurs were limited to the social media networks for their marketing campaigns as Facebook and Twitter. Now there is found another new social media sites which are available all the time.  While the sites just like Google have given many options and allowed them to produce good content in different forms and attract their audience globally using multiple channels. It was never done before. As a consequence, it is a common thing for entrepreneurs to expand their businesses into branches and make experiments on multiple networks to reach at the maximum number of consumers. This diversification is proved to be beneficial for most of the companies due to developing brand awareness while making it very easy for the consumers to have knowledge about thir required brand. Social media marketing still require more diversifications. 
It is the time when image centric contents are ruling the online marketing. Now time has arrived to make the content very quick and easily digestible. Social media sites are on the rise; all put emphasis on images. The image based marketing content has become popular due to less viral potential. Many well placed pictures are used in successful blog postings. The infographics also combines images with a few text lines to describe any topic and provide calculated data from the research. Incorporating images into marketing campaign is beneficial. Using image based social media network, online marketing should be an initiative. Next time in social media marketing there will be used a new technique called visual micro sharing platform.
The images are powerful tools for social medial marketing. 

Now consumers focus on short messages instead of reading in depth messaging via online marketing sites. When we look towards top brands just like Google and Apple; they value simplicity and short words which should be very clear to the audience. They are following the strategy of “less will be more”. All advertising text should not be messy, cluttered and long.
Many marketers are moving towards other line, they want to attract consumers by toning down and reducing their campaign messages; they are not bothered to attract consumers for publicity. 

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Some successful marketing strategies are used to promote goods and services they simplify consumers life by introducing simple products to get consumers experience.
Today’s world is using tablets and Smartphones excessively; it is the demand of this time for companies to develop mobile friendly content for mobile users. According to a survey, 87% connected devices which would be sold by 2017, are going to be Smartphones and tablets. Whether companies have to create alternative mobile version of the websites or they have to develop responsive web design. It is essential to provide the users a positive experience to view the website content conveniently using their mobile phones.

Otherwise they will lose the customers which will definitely move towards their competitors. A shift has been continued form desktop PCs to laptops which is now shifting towards mobile devices. Business if not follow this trend, would be going to suffer badly.
The technique of ad retargeting; works well by browser bookies to track the websites visited by users. When they leave a site; the products or services viewed by them, would be shown to them again by ads in different sites. This technique is very effective and growing rapidly. As done by online marketing techniques and SEO Service by top3.com.sg; social signals have also become very popular marketing techniques to retain maximum clients for product/ service selling.

1 comment:

  1. Great article this article helps alot for whom who did internet marketing
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