Every successful online marketing effort requires an effective land page. Without effective landing nothing can work. For instance, your pay per click ads have been optimized remarkably and your offer is unbelievable but you do not have a good landing page. Then you will have minimum chances of success. A flawless landing page is a guarantee of success because it attracts visitors and forces them for conversion. If you want to make your landing page effective, decorate them with the following pattern.
Pattern #1: Trust Signals
A landing page with trust badges creates emotions of trust. Clearly, most of the time these trust badges have no value, yet their effectiveness on the visitor’s mind is unchallenged. You can use different types of trust badges such as membership of certain groups (social, environmental, NGOs etc) and coalitions. These badges endorse your honesty and visitors feel confidence while accepting your offer.Pattern #2: For Broadcasting Offer Value, Use Header
A strong offer and reasons for such valuable offer are important elements of an effective landing page. However, if you present them in headline and subheadings, it will enhance the effectiveness. You should use headline for offer and sub-heading for explanation for the offer. You must keep in mind that for your offer persuasion, you have only 8 seconds. So, make them clear and concise.Pattern #3: Be Brief
No distraction (pop ups etc) and natural navigation are elements of a clean page. Everything extra on your landing page will hinder conversion. Only relevant information without exaggerating is sufficient. Guide the visitor but do not force him/her unnaturally. Keep your information in the center and use bullet point wherever possible.Pattern #4: Immaculate Organization and Clean Design
Your landing page requires a structure full of feeling and look. Go through it from the point of view of your visitor. If you feel, it is easy then it can be easy for the visitor as well. You know the main purpose of your landing page is to compel the visitor for conversion. Everything such as downloading an E Book, sign up for a newsletter, decision for a purchase, or filling out a form should be as easy as ABC.
Similarly, eye-catching images and natural utilization of colors are integral parts of an effective landing page. You can choose green or red colors for specific buttons as these colors are considered helpful in conversion; however, do not forget about the background color while choosing these colors for buttons. You can use test methods to check the effectiveness of buttons and background contrast.
Pattern #5: Mobile Friendliness of Your Page
Some other important features of an effective landing page are:
- Design your landing pages according to your audience
- Keywords, phrases, and text of your PPC and landing page should be similar
Haim Toledano
ReplyDeleteGreat post... This blog clearly show the importance of Landing Pages. Thanks for sharing best way to create Landing Pages more attractive.